Beautiful Out of Order Toilet & Urinal Covers

A picture is worth a thousand words…

Simply Pulchritudinous  (Latin for Beautiful)

Not all word pictures are positive…

 “Uh oh, that’s Turpis!”  (Latin for ugly)

As humorous as these lower photo’s are, we must admit that at one time or another we too used similar methods in removing fixtures from service.

There simply were not any other options available.


Until Now.


Hop On Board & Together We'll Stamp Out Ugly

Let’s improve the world one bathroom at a time.

JaniWrap looks good in pictures, but even better when seen in the field.  It’s new and revolutionary and is changing the way maintenance professionals remove toilets and urinals for repair or service.

JaniWrap Out of Order Covers and Signs have huge positive impact on restroom visitors primarily because it’s so unexpected to see such an elegant solution where we’ve been accustomed to seeing less attractive and effective methods.


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