Oct 31, 2014
Beautiful and Effective Urinal Covers
From the invention of the public restroom we’ve been left to our own devices when faced with the challenge of removing a fixture from service – and we all know this has produced wide and varied results.
For the conscientious custodian or maintenance tech it may be a type written out of order sign taped to a urinal, toilet or stall door.
For the harried worker it could be a scribbled message on a hand towel or the popular old standby – placing a trash bag over the fixture.
JaniWrap provides a better solution. When a urinal or toilet needs to be temporarily removed from service JaniWrap is the most effective and beautiful notification system ever devised.
Keep it beautiful.
Jul 24, 2014
Restrooms Keen Insights
A subject not written about nearly enough, is the subject of aesthetically pleasing restroom facilities from a tenant’s point of view.
Josh Renihan from SCA Tork wrote a short engaging piece that touched on the subject — and what follows is an excerpt of that article.
The quality of a business space often translates into the quality of the business provided. As a result, building owners are constantly considering ways to upgrade their facilities to attract and retain quality tenants.
A critical area in ensuring tenant satisfaction in Class A buildings is the restroom facilities. Surveys have suggested that a patron’s perception of a business is heavily influenced by the quality of the bathroom. Likewise, surveys show potential tenants rank clean restrooms higher on their list of desired move-in incentives than items such as office renovations and rent-free promotions.
Employees make multiple trips to the bathroom during the day, so they are quite attuned to the cleanliness and amenities. A poor bathroom also leaves a lasting impact on the clients of a business, while a nice facility enhances its reputation. On the surface, this might sound trivial — but think about the bathrooms in the offices you visit. I will bet there are more than a few you’d like to forget.
Thus, it’s important for Class A facility owners to ensure that their restrooms are in top shape to boost tenant satisfaction.
Restrooms play a crucial role in tenant satisfaction. Therefore, providing the extra touches and amenities can really make an impact in what defines a Class A office space. (emphasis mine)
– See more at: http://betterbusiness.torkusa.com/the-office-bathroom-is-a-battleground-for-winning-and-keeping-class-a-tenants-tork-bbc/#sthash.Je7iXYfB.dpuf
We couldn’t agree more with the importance of maintaining the aesthetics in restrooms.
One of the challenges in this level of care are the methods employed when doing this; these range from handwritten signs to duct tape and trash bag covers.
Clearly, these methods are not the best solution in most office buildings or establishments.
JaniWrap facility professionals have had to temporarily remove malfunctioning fixtures from service on occasion, and were forced to use some of the same methods described above.
It was in seeking a better solution that JaniWrap was born — and the resulting solution was exciting in it’s practical attractiveness, durability and universality.
We’re also pleased to provide a full range of instructional media in the use of JaniWrap.
We encourage first time users to read a short step-by-step pictorial showing how easy the application is. In addition, we pack with every shipment a step-by-step illustrated instruction and tip sheet.
It’s our mission that everyone has a seamless and happy experience with JaniWrap.
Tenants and visitors alike appreciate well-maintained restroom facilities –especially when a fixture is removed from service and is tastefully wrapped and labeled.
In future blogs, we’ll continue to discuss why JaniWrap is beneficially important to have at your disposal, and why we back it up with a worry free guarantee.
Our commitment to practical, no-nonsense professional solutions to everyday maintenance problems is only eclipsed by our commitment to our customers complete satisfaction.
Keep it beautiful.
