The JaniWrap Story.
How we developed the best solution for fresh and attractive restroom facilities.
Who we are.
Our mission, our vision, our very passion is to change the lackadaisical manner in which restroom fixtures have traditionally been removed from service thereby reducing the chance of ugly plastic bag covers (and worse) from assaulting our sensibilities ever again.
The goal from the beginning and what continues to drive us today is in providing elegant restroom solutions – particularly during the critical time of a fixture malfunction or physical distancing concerns.
We believe in
We believe in
we believe in
This is the story of JaniWrap…
We are excited to share a new way of addressing a very old problem – one almost as old as toilets themselves.

Previously, when a toilet needed to be taken off-line for repair, the best that could be done was to use whatever materials or products were available. However, the available materials and products were not attractive solutions and left a lot of room for aesthetic improvement.
JaniWrap was developed to go beyond cinch bags and handwritten signs. A way was needed to maintain the beautiful appearance of restrooms while not forfeiting safety or effectiveness when removing a fixture from service.
Thus began a journey to think outside the box of the traditional methods of covering a fixture when removing it from service.
This led to developing the best solution so that restroom facilities would remain fresh and attractive, and where restroom visitors feel valued and respected.
Recent blog posts.
Loud Trash Can Dolly Wheels No More
There is an easy solution to fix this noisy problem that everyone concerned will thank you for.I know we have all been there. We are at a tranquil location, concentrating on getting work done, reading important information or in a very important meeting. Along comes a...
Invention Temporary Out-of-Order Toilet and Urinal Covers
Today the celebration of each sale is still ongoing as we strive to make restrooms aesthetically pleasing, not just in North America but worldwide.
Why are Toilets, Sinks and Urinals Made of Porcelain?
“Why are Toilets, Sinks and Urinals Made of Porcelain?” Guest blog by John Tarr. Bathroom fixtures need to be sturdy, waterproof, and in the case of a toilet and urinal, designed to be a flushing engine.
Loud Trash Can Dolly Wheels No More
There is an easy solution to fix this noisy problem that everyone concerned will thank you for.I know we have all been there. We are at a tranquil location, concentrating on getting work done, reading important information or in a very important meeting. Along comes a...
Invention Temporary Out-of-Order Toilet and Urinal Covers
Today the celebration of each sale is still ongoing as we strive to make restrooms aesthetically pleasing, not just in North America but worldwide.