The Disastrous Double Header

Occasionally we all encounter a restroom with a broken toilet or urinal fitted with a makeshift trash bag and maybe a scribbled out of order sign. Because it’s so common, we’ve conditioned ourselves to overlook these things, but it’s disturbing nonetheless – some more than others.

Not so common is to run into the same scenario in two different buildings the same day. Nice buildings and ones undoubtedly supporting maintenance departments who manage well their responsibilities. So what gives?

After some thought on this matter I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m 100% positive that I’m 100% sure that I really don’t know. It leaves me to speculate that the people who should care most about this topic simply don’t think enough about it. But never fear – that’s why I’m here to remind us that fresh, clean and good looking restrooms are always appreciated.

It would be fair to say that no other room in a building or establishment can make or break a good visitor experience than the restroom. A fabulous dining experience can be devastated by a poorly maintained restroom as can hundreds of other activities when confronted with ugly sights and unsanitary restroom conditions.

It’s fairly amusing to me how I came to be a champion of aesthetically pleasing restrooms. As a kid I never aspired to become the spokesperson for good looking restrooms or the cheerleader of porcelain protection, but here I am. Peculiar I know, but I’ve managed some wonderful properties and keeping them in showcase condition has always been my passion, so it’s only natural I suppose for that passion to extend to restrooms.

It’s a well-known fact that no matter the level of preventative maintenance in restrooms that sooner or later a fixture would become inoperable or need to be taken temporarily offline. If the repair couldn’t be done immediately the fixture needed to be removed from service in a way that would retain the beauty of the environment.

Unfortunately, there were no product solutions that would not detract aesthetically from these nicely designed restroom interiors so JaniWrap was developed. That’s how it’s become my pleasant responsibility to eradicate eye sore solutions in rest areas that should be sparkling clean and inviting – at all times and for all peoples.